Mar 19 2018
Encore Research

Fiona Robinson is an event Project Manager at Staging Connections in Sydney. She has been part of the Staging Connections team for over 12 years and has worked across numerous roles including Production Assistant and Crew Control. In the first ‘day in the life of’ blog we get to grips with what being a Project Manager at Staging Connections involves, what a normal day looks like and get Fiona’s top audio visual event tips learnt from working on over 1500 shows in her career. What is involved in being an event Project Manager? As a Project Manager I tend to work on many of our bigger events that require a lot of coordination and management of multiple stakeholders. These shows tend to have a lot of different elements to them; there is usually a stage set, some form of talent, MC’s, guest speakers, large audio visual event crew and Technical Directors. Essentially my job is to ensure all these elements are coordinated in the lead up to the event and come together smoothly on show day. There is also a lot of client, supplier and venue liaison and collaboration. What does a normal day look like? At the start of every morning I spend time prioritising and working out what needs to be dispatched or done that day. Then it varies, one day I can be sourcing the southern hemispheres largest mirror ball and heading out to site visits and the next I can be working through run sheets, floor plans and liaising with talent – making sure they have exactly what they need to perform on event day. No two days are ever the same in this job – just the coffee intake! If it is show day, my time is spent on site moving around where I am needed. I am also a stage manager for many events. This involves wrangling talent, ensuring presenters and speakers know what they are doing and where to stand. I also run rehearsals and essentially make sure everyone is show ready. I have worked with many different presenters, speakers and performers over the years but if I had to say just one, Ray Martin is one of my favourites to work with. He is such a professional and a great laugh. What do you enjoy most about being an event project manager? I love the thrill of the big shows and seeing all the months of work coming together. I especially enjoy Stage Managing – nothing compares to the excitement of being involved in a live event environment. What is the most memorable event you worked on?
I’ve had many memorable events but working on Amway China in Singapore for eight weeks in 2006 was one of the special ones. Working and living in another country is pretty exciting, hard work, but so rewarding. What is the best piece of advice for someone thinking about holding an event? Access, Access and Access! When looking for an event venue always consider the access first. For instance a venue with no lift or loading dock can slow down bump in time leaving less time for rehearsals.
This leads me onto my second piece of advice; the key to a successful event is leaving plenty of time for rehearsal! Written by Fiona Robinson, Project Manager, Staging Connections.
My favourite thing about working in events is working with some amazing and super talented people, mostly my colleagues. We have some awesome people here at Staging Connections. Related Blogs 8 audio visual tips to create a successful event
Optimise your event communication with event design and technical production
The art of SHOWcraft for your events … Read More

AV Packages - The Perfect Choice for Your Audio Visual Needs

Mar 19 2018
Encore Research
If you're looking to push the boundaries of your next conference, gala dinner, product launch or other event, you should make sure you consider the audio visual equipment required to meet your event objectives. The use of AV sets the mood of your event and helps present your message, brand and company in an unforgettable way. If you're looking to push the boundaries of your next conference, gala dinner, product launch or other event, you should make sure you consider the audio visual equipment required to meet your event objectives. The use of AV sets the mood of your event and helps present your message, brand and company in an unforgettable way. Many people are confused by AV and worry they may not specify all the elements required for an event. Audio Visual requirements can be complex, but we pride ourselves on providing a simple solution that is understandable. For a convenient way to incorporate audio visual elements into your event, we would be happy to discuss the wide range of AV Packages available through Staging Connections. AV packages offer the ideal way for you to choose from a range of options to get the perfect solution for your needs. That way, you get just what you need for your event and also that fits your budget. When booking your event AV package from Staging Connections, we will have an initial briefing meeting so we can find out your event objectives and then we can configure a package to fit your requirements. We offer a flexible array of AV packages ranging from full service event staging solutions through to dry hire items. This allows you to choose to rent just the equipment you need if you already have the expertise or leave everything in our hands. It's your choice! We hope you've got an understanding of what Staging Connections can do to help you bring your vision to life through AV packages. Simply submit a request for a Quick Quote and we will get back to you as soon as possible with pricing. ... Read More

Audio Visual Equipment - All You Need to Know

Mar 19 2018
Encore Research
When it comes to marketing budgets, the one for events is usually the first to get moved around. But don't despair, it’s the perfect time to get a bit more creative, think differently and prove the value of an engaging, interactive and successful event, no matter what budget is allocated to the audio visual equipment. When it comes to marketing budgets, the one for events is usually the first to get moved around. But don't despair, it's the perfect time to get a bit more creative, think differently and prove the value of an engaging, interactive and successful event, no matter what budget is allocated to the audio visual equipment. If you have a limited budget, your choice of audio visual equipment can make all the difference. Staging Connections has the expertise and experience to help your choose the most suitable audio visual equipment for your next event. Well positioned lighting can set the scene and add drama to any event. Think about using bespoke multimedia screen content and you can make a real visual impact, without stretching the av equipment budget. As technology develops, so does the potential to use it to make your event even more successful. As a leading AV company, Staging Connections is always on top of what's happening in the industry which allows us to bring your very latest in audio visual technology to you and your events. Of course there's much more to a successful event than just audio visual equipment. Our people are most valuable asset and we have the best people who know how to choose the right equipment and how to use it to its best advantage. To discover our range of audio visual equipment and more, call us today on 1800 209 099. ... Read More

Audio Visual Hire - The Smart Way to Power Events

Mar 19 2018
Encore Research
Are you planning your AGM, conference, new product launch or attending an exhibition? Lighting, Sound and Vision technologies are integral to communicating with your audience so you need to be sure you have the right audio visual equipment to do the job properly. Here at Staging Connections we specialize in providing the right equipment you need for your event. Are you planning your AGM, conference, new product launch or attending an exhibition? Lighting, Sound and Vision technologies are integral to communicating with your audience so you need to be sure you have the right audio visual equipment to do the job properly. Here at Staging Connections we specialize in providing the right equipment you need for your event. Sound and image bring your message to life at your event and for this you need the audio visual equipment For most companies, the answer is no. Not only is the equipment expensive, it's also rapidly developing. That means the cutting edge items you buy now could be virtually obsolete next year. Add to the fact that your pricey AV setup will be sitting in a store room collecting dust for much of the year, you can see it's not a smart investment. Consider too that such equipment needs to be regularly tested and maintained if you want to be confident it works when you need it. And perhaps most importantly of all, using your own AV equipment means finding skilled staff to operate it. This is why audio visual hire makes such perfect sense. When you can hire your AV equipment from Staging Connections, you get the latest cutting edge technology. We constantly research new methods and tools to allow us to offer our clients the very latest options. But that's not all, you also get a host of additional services. We select the right equipment for your needs, we deliver and install it for you. And of course we provide the right people to operate it to ensure a perfect event for your company. And if you wish, Staging Connections can work with you from the beginning to plan and organize your event. That way you can benefit from their extensive experience and expertise in this field. Audio visual hire allows you to create and hold events that delight all, and present your organization in its best light. It's also economical and ensures you're using equipment that's maintained, tested and proven. ... Read More

Audio Visual Solutions for the Perfect Event

Mar 19 2018
Encore Research
When you're considering the AV equipment you need for your next event, it's important that you don’t think about what you need simply in terms of AV equipment. Think in terms of the entire audio visual solution required. Equipment is just the tool; solutions are the outcome of a carefully formulated strategy that drives your campaign and makes sure it aligns with your objectives. When you're considering the AV equipment you need for your next event, it's important that you don’t think about what you need simply in terms of AV equipment. Think in terms of the entire audio visual solution required. Equipment is just the tool; solutions are the outcome of a carefully formulated strategy that drives your campaign and makes sure it aligns with your objectives. We understand that audio visual solutions are all about ensuring the main message is clear and central to the event design, and the myriad details of any complex event are taken care of. We want to see everything from the speaker lists and bio’s right through to the menu so we can tailor av solutions to suit your event. A number of important factor make it possible for us to provide quality AV solutions. The first is our long history in the events and audio visual industry. For 25 years we've provided Australian and international organisations with the means to achieve a range of corporate objectives. These range from launching new products in a way that makes them truly memorable, to managing awards nights that are the talk of the town long after the event has finished. Another reason for our ability to provide effective AV solutions is that we're committed to the industry. You only get one chance on the night and we're determined to make every event the best it can be. We do this in a number of ways including keeping abreast of changes in the industry, we are always looking for the latest technology and emerging trends. And above all, there's our people. Technology is nothing without the technicians to operate the equipment. Our people are best asset. They bring energy, enthusiasm and a bucket load of knowledge to bring your event to life. Really effective audio visual solutions are based on a bed rock of the best in technology and the best people to maximize its value and efficiency. And that's exactly what we at Staging Connections are committed to. Contact Staging Connections today on 1800 209 099 to discover the full range of audio visual solutions for your next event. ... Read More

Audio Visual Events - Tapping Technology for Success

Mar 19 2018
Encore Research
Today's events demand bigger and better year on year. From product launches, AGMs, award ceremonies through to conferences the audio visual event requirements are also becoming more advanced as brands look to the power of AV to communicate their message in a more visual and powerful way. Today's events demand bigger and better year on year. From product launches, AGMs, award ceremonies through to conferences the audio visual event requirements are also becoming more advanced as brands look to the power of AV to communicate their message in a more visual and powerful way. Leading public events such as Vivid Sydney and even the big awards such as the Oscars are driving this adoption of technology on a corporate level. Harnessing new AV technology such as projection mapping allows your message to be delivered with power and style. It's something we at Staging Connections are working towards every day and can help you to achieve. The power of sound and visual imagery to create an experience that move's, informs and persuades an audience is a technical and artistic challenge. It requires highly trained staff with unique talents and skills. Consider what the process entails. For one thing, audio visual events must be meticulously planned and a clear strategy developed. Taking the time to do this in a advance is an investment that really pays off. It means you can be sure that your event design and delivery is aligned to your brand and message objectives. Next, this creativity and planning must be translated into a meticulous action plan and scheduled down to the last moment. Painstaking attention to detail is a must to be sure that your event runs seamlessly. Running successful audio visual for events demands more than just setting up the necessary projectors, screens and LCD displays. This is done through clever use of lighting, rigging, and drapes. Meanwhile qualified technicians and other staff constantly work behind the scenes to keep the operation running to plan and schedule. Here at Staging Connections we have the experience and the best people in the business for all your audio visual event needs. Call us today on 1800 209 099 to discuss your event requirements. ... Read More

Audio Visual Rental - Fast, Easy and Economical Way to Great Events

Mar 19 2018
Encore Research
Using sound and images to establish mood and present information is now a well-established component of major corporate events along with more personal occasions such as Weddings and Christmas parties. Using sound and images to establish mood and present information is now a well-established component of major corporate events along with more personal occasions such as Weddings and Christmas parties. Through the skilful use of sound systems, displays and lighting, you can transform a simple get together or sales presentation into a multimedia fiesta. In the right hands, such as those of Staging Connections, AV systems can unlock the unique and valuable facets of your company and its product in a way that simple speech could never do. Remember that audio visual rental from Staging Connections is not just about getting the hardware. You also get the advice and expertise you need to get maximum value from your AV equipment. This is important, as the choice of the right AV equipment is subtle and complex. Every event is different, you have to take in account the type of event, the objectives, the venue and the kind of message you want to get across. Another must when considering audio visual rental is to hire video recording equipment along with the staff to operate it. This way you'll create a permanent record of your event, which you can use for training or just simple nostalgia. Getting the right AV setup really requires the use of a professional event company such as Staging Connections. This way you'll get the most modern equipment available with the technical support to ensure it will run perfectly. For the full story on audio visual rental, contact Staging Connections today. ... Read More

AV Event Services for Awards Nights and Gala Dinners

Mar 19 2018
Encore Research
You're proud of what your organization's achieved. You want to reward those who've worked to bring success, and you want to showcase your company to the world. That's what awards nights and gala dinners are for. So how can you be sure that your events night is the success you need it to be? right. You're proud of what your organization's achieved. You want to reward those who've worked to bring success, and you want to showcase your company to the world. That's what awards nights and gala dinners are for. So how can you be sure that your events night is the success you need it to be? right. AT Staging Connection’s we have a wide range of AV event services that can help create award nights and gala dinners that will be remembered forever. Award nights and gala dinners include both a chance for you whole company to get some well-deserved relaxation and fun, and also the more serious function of making sure your staff get the recognition they deserve. This means the event has to be carefully arranged so that both the formal and the fun activities have their proper time and place. Using audio visual displays can go a long way towards bringing the activities of your organisation to life and presenting your achievements in a way that's vivid, distinguished and entertaining. By playing video clips of your staff at work or interviews of them talking about their daily life in the company, you can develop real bonding and a sense of shared values and loyalties among your staff. Other than simply supplying and operating the AV equipment, Staging Connections can take care of your entire event. We can arrange to switch seamlessly between cocktails and dinner to business announcements and speeches and then back again. Staging Connections can also ensure your event environment is tailored to suit your unique organization. This involves identifying and creating the right background themes, table designs, stage sets, and even setting up a dance floor and band in a unique way. The lighting has to create the right mood and the entrance has to be inviting and hint at the excitement to come. Then as your guest arrive, they'll feel and sense of pride and anticipation. This kind of project demands experience and a unique array of skills and talents. So for your next big corporate dinner or award ceremony, be sure to select AV event services from Staging Connections. ... Read More

Choosing an Event Company for Large Events

Mar 19 2018
Encore Research
When organising large events such as product launches, AGM's, Sales Kick offs, Conferences and so on - you require an event partner you can trust. When organising large scale events such as product launches, AGM's, Sales Kick offs and Conferences - you require an event partner you can trust. A successful event requires creative conception, strategic development, formulation of systems, operation of equipment, setup of the venue, and project management to ensure things run perfectly. Coordinating a large event can be challenging and so many pitfalls a wait from communicating your message incorrectly to poor lighting. Partnering with an experienced event company gives you the confidence of knowing your event will run smoothly with the practicalities in the hands of professionals. Staging Connections has earned its reputation over 25 years in the industry of managing events that engage and inform audiences. Our strengths lie in our vast experience and dedication to ensuring our clients events are the best they can be. We pride ourselves on providing solutions, specifically total event management solutions. This covers everything from creating the concept, designing the sets, developing the audio visual and multimedia content, and stage managing the event to ensure it goes without a hitch. In addition, we also offer a full range of digital event services including webcasting to bring your event from stage to screen and into the virtual world. Call us today on 1800 209 099 to discuss your event requirements. ... Read More

AV Hire for Perfect Product Launches

Mar 19 2018
Encore Research
Launching a new product or service is a critical event for your company. You've invested a lot time, effort and capital to bring your new idea to market and much of its success depends on the quality of your product launch. Launching a new product or service is a critical event for your company. You've invested a lot time, effort and capital to bring your new idea to market and much of its success depends on the quality of your product launch. AV Hire from Staging Connections to the Rescue In a way, a product launch is much like a movie or stage production. You need drama and to build excitement and anticipation to create the buzz. Think of the way Apple r launches new products with the dramatic lighting, music and images flashed up behind the host on stage. It's a powerful experience for all who attend and is a key to the company's huge success. The fact is that such events demand the assistance of technical and artistic talent. Technical talent and the right equipment are vital to translate the artistic vision into something that can be presented to an audience. It's a unique brand of expertise that you're unlikely to have in your organisation. That's why AV hire is from a trusted event partner integral to delivering such an important company message. By hiring your AV equipment from Staging Connections, you also can get the planning, support and management to help make your event a success. AV hire you get the expert help you need to plan you event from inception to event day. This includes optimising the use of space at your venue and access to the latest equipment such as Projection Mapping. With the internet playing such as key role in marketing nowadays, Staging Connections also offers live webcasting so that your product launch can be taken from stage to screen. We can broadcast to multiple locations allowing your presentation to be seen all around the country or even around the globe. This is AV hire taken to its highest level. ... Read More